Friday, November 12, 2010

God's Message Today, "I will keep you by My power."


Good Morning,

Please come and sit by the fireside with a cup of coffee or tea, take
a warm muffin and we will share a moment together reflecting
 on the Father's love for us and the power and security it can give us.
My absence has been a learning time. A blog is a little different from
an email but perhaps ultimately better. I hope so.

God's Message Today, "I will keep you by My power."

His promise to me:  "You are kept by the power of God through faith for
salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."  (1Peter 1:5)

My response to the Word:  God's power is able to keep me through faith.
This knowledge gives me a sense of deep and lasting security.  Paul wrote,
"But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil."
Because I know God is keeping me, I will keep on keeping on.

My prayer:  Father, thank you for your keeping power in my life.  I place
my life securely in your hands.

Today's Scriptures:  Ps. 121:5;  Prov. 13:6;  2 Thess; 3:3;  2 Tim.1:7.

May you have that sense of safety and security today, abiding in the power of
Our Heavenly Father;  Who does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power
and love and a sound mind.  Enjoy and appropriate the gifts that are
yours as a child of the King.


1 comment:

  1. nan, beautiful as always. but where are the December blogs???? geni
