Thursday, November 4, 2010

God's Message Today, "My Word is Life to You."

How many times have I started a new Bible
reading program to get too busy to continue after only a few weeks?...way too many times.
The important thing is to keep trying. For a Christian, each day is a new beginning. It is
never too late to begin again.

God's message today: "My Word is life to You."

His promise to me: "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every Word that comes from the mouth of God." (Matt.4:4)

My response to the Word: I must have food to sustain my physical body, that is true.  But I am more than a physical body, my spirit needs the spiritual food that the Word gives me to nourish my spirit.  I need daily food for my body in order to stay physically healthy and I need to feast on the Word daily for my spirit to stay healthy.

My prayer:  Heavenly Father, my life is much too busy not to spend time in your Word, because I know my day will go better with You in it.  Knowing this I will make every effort to spend some time each day in your Word.
Thank you for for providing it.  It is a treasure and it will change my life for my good if I will let it.

Today's Scriptures: Psalm 119:105; Matt.4:4.

Wishing you a beautiful day with time and energy and desire to achieve some of your goals.


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