Monday, November 1, 2010

God's Message Today, "My peace will keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus."

Hi Friends,

It was suggested to me that a blog might be the better way to share these
devotionals.  My husband uses web email and he gets symbols where words
should be and I have had another person tell me that they have that problem as
well. In an attempt to correct some of these problems I thought I would give
 blogging a try.  This is the first one.  I hope this will be better for those
of you who have had problems.  Bear with me as I learn about blogging.

God's message today,  "My peace will keep your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus."

His promise to me: "Be careful for nothing;  but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."  (Phil. 4:6-7)

My response to the Message:  God gives me peace of mind and peace of heart.  Therefore, I will not worry about anything.  Instead, I will pray and be thankful. 
 Worry can't change the past or alter the future, but it certainly can destroy the present moment.  I will walk in the peace of God throughout this day.

My prayer:  Lord, thank you for your peace which truly does surpass all understanding.  By your grace I will enjoy your peace throughout this day.

Today's Scriptures:  Heb. 13:20;  1 Pet. 3:11; Jude 2.

Hope you had a wonderful "Son"day.


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